Wednesday, August 29, 2007

If you love Me ...

I was going through some confusion, restlessness and discouragement. Started prayerfully voicing my thoughts to God. Like dew which vanishes when the sun shines, all my confusion, restlessness and discouragement started melting away!

I found out one more reason why we need to link up with God frequently. If we don't link up frequently we gradually lose His peace, start believing in the lies of the Devil and ultimately self-destruct. So if you're going through any of these symptoms in your life, then spend some time alone with God. Express what you feel to Him. Be honest with your feelings. I'm sure He'll talk to you!

In the course of my prayerful talk with my Best Friend, I was reminded of the short summary that He (Jesus) made of the entire Law and all the words that God had spoken through all the prophets. He pointed to only 2 laws: (1) love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength and all your mind, and (2) love your neighbour as yourself.

He pointed me back to the basics. He started poking around my heart to find out whether I was keeping these 2 laws. I was surprised to find out that I was breaking these laws every day ...

If I loved God with all my heart ... I wouldn't be slack concerning my prayer life. I wouldn't spend so little time in reading and meditating on His word. I wouldn't be slack concerning my job (my job is my God-given responsibility). I wouldn't have such a careless attitude towards sin and the sinful things that I come across every day of my life. I would pray with a burden. I would weep and intercede for others. I would be very careful to spend my time to bring praise to His name.

If I loved my neighbour as myself ... I wouldn't have shouted at that person. I wouldn't hold a grudge against that guy because he wronged me. I wouldn't have been so reluctant to forgive that person, though I go countless times to God to get forgiveness for my own transgressions. I wouldn't expect God to overlook all my shortcomings, but punish my enemy for every single wrong he has ever done in his life. I would rather look at my friends and those whom I wouldn't call as my friends, and see a precious soul who needs the love of God.

God is looking for obedience. He doesn't expect us to change overnight, for He knows what we can and cannot do. But He does expect an obedient attitude. To obey is better than sacrifice.

It is so easy to sing "Lord I love You, You are my everything, Lord I worship You", but not so easy to keep these basics. God is not impressed about our singing, but He takes note of our obedience.

God is challenging you with the same question that he asked me: do you love Me?

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Audio/video sermons

Audio and video sermons from New Life Assembly of God Church, Chennai are available on the web-site: English service audio messages, and Tamil service video messages are uploaded every week. Listen-in and be blessed!

You may also submit prayer requests, read a daily word, etc. from the web-site.

If you're in Chennai and you speak English/Tamil/Hindi, you're most welcome to join my home Church! Service timings are updated in the web-site.

In the coming weeks, expect to see a summary of some sermons from NLAG here!